William L. DeAndrea 's Books
A very well recieved series by William L. DeAndrea are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are The Lunatic Fringe: A Novel Wherein Theodore Roosevelt Meets the Pink Angel, Killed on the Rocks, Fatal Elixir, Killed on the Ice, Killed in the Fog, Killed in Fringe Time, Werewolf Murders, Snark, The Manx Murders, Hog Murders, Five O'Clock Lightning, Killed in the Act, Killed in the Ratings, Atropos, Keep the Baby, Faith, Killed with a Passion, Killed in Paradise, Azrael, which was published in 2022.
The Lunatic Fringe: A Novel Wherein Theodore Roosevelt Meets the Pink Angel
Killed on the Rocks
Fatal Elixir
Killed on the Ice
Killed in the Fog
Killed in Fringe Time
Werewolf Murders
The Manx Murders
Hog Murders
Five O'Clock Lightning
Killed in the Act
Killed in the Ratings
Keep the Baby, Faith
Killed with a Passion
Killed in Paradise